Plant Care Tips


WOOOHOO!! You did it! You bought that plant that just made your heart sing… and now you don’t want to kill it. We understand, we’ve got you covered.

Below are basic plant families and their care. Within those generalizations, there are unique situations; if you have any questions, feel free to contact us via or Instagram @TrueLeafStudio and throw in a few pictures of your babe and what’s going on.

Ready?! Let’s go!

  • Pothos

    Some of the most easy going plants you’ll come across. Medium-High light, water when they look “thirsty” (about once a week to 10 days). Solid yellow leaves indicate that they are root bound and ready for a repot.

  • Sanseveria

    One level above a fake plant, sansevieria can handle just about anything you throw at it. High light? Great. Low light? Great. Just don’t overwater! These loves like to dry all the way out between waterings, so keep your light and water ratio the same.

  • Agleonema

    There are literally hundreds of varieties in this plant family and they are all flexible. They appreciate bright, natural light (don’t we all) but can survive in low or artificial light. They like to stay on the dryer side and will throw out a yellow leaf at the first sign of too much moisture, so err on the side of under watering with these.

  • Ficus

    Light lovers unite! These tree shaped beauties need bright or direct light to thrive. They love a little dry out between waterings, and then a nice full soak. We water about every 10 days to two weeks, and fertilize regularly for nice, full leaves.

  • Philodendron

    Fast-growing and very forgiving, philodendron are a rewarding plant for their instant gratification of regular new leaves and growth. Water regularly for happy plants!

  • Alocasia

    Alocasia LOVE humidity and slightly damp soil. These beauties don’t need a lot of direct like, and wiping leaves regularly helps keep them healthy. They grow from a bulb so be prepared to have little, new plants sneak up from the soil.

“This is not how normal plant shops are, this place is special. I feel so at home here.”